Project Description
Work Package 9
Word package number | WP9 |
Type of activity | Research and technological development including scientific coordination |
Wordk Package title | Platform Development and Integration |
Start month | 4 |
End month | 26 |
Lead beneficiary | CIMA Research Foundation |
- compile a list of global data sets useful for the RASOR tool given its global scope and reach;
- design of an efficient IT system architecture for data exchange consultation and analysis, with a special focus on data interoperability and accessibility in accordance with the harmonisation policies;
- tools and services integration into IT web-based system with focus on the pilot case studies;
- design of a validation of the services implemented in the IT system;
- interaction with the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) for possible re-use of best practices in geospatial archiving of risk, vulnerability and hazard data.
- interaction with the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) for possible re-use of best practices in geospatial archiving of risk, vulnerability and hazard data.
List of Tasks
T9.2 – IT system architecture design [Months: 3-6]
T9.3 – Operational implementation [Months: 6-28]
T9.4 – Specification of services validation protocol [Months: 9-19]
List of deliverables
Deliverable Number |
Deliverable Title | Lead beneficiary | Nature | Dissemination level (*) |
Delivery date |
D9.1 | Data and Software Standards | CIMA Research Foundation | Report | PP | 3 |
D9.2 | Global Datasets analysis | CIMA Research Foundation | Report | PP | 3 |
D9.3 | System architecture design | ACROTEC SRL | Report | PP | 8 |
D9.4 | First RASOR prototype | ACROTEC SRL | Prototype | RE | 12 |
D9.5 | Second RASOR prototype | ACROTEC SRL | Prototype | RE | 19 |
D9.6 | Validation protocol definition | CIMA Research Foundation | Other | PP | 20 |
D9.7 | RASOR Final tool | ACROTEC SRL | Other | PP | 28 |
D9.8 | RASOR User Manual (1st release) | CIMA Research Foundation | Report | PU | 19 |
D9.9 | RASOR User Manual (2nd release) | CIMA Research Foundation | Report | PU | 28 |
PP -> Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
RE -> Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)
PU -> Public

WP: WP9 - Task: T9.3 - Deliverable: D9.8 - Status: Complete - Commission: n.a. - by cima

WP: WP9 - Task: T9.3 - Deliverable: D9.9 - Status: Complete - Commission: n.a. - by acrotec