Project Description
Work Package 5
Word package number | WP5 |
Type of activity | Research and technological development including scientific coordination |
Wordk Package title | Flood Risk Assessment |
Start month | 2 |
End month | 26 |
Lead beneficiary | STICHTING DELTARES DLT |
The objective of this Work Package is to develop a toolbox for flood risk assessment that is entirely based on global data and applicable worldwide. This includes rainfall-induced inland flooding and coastal flooding from storm surges or tsunamis. Use is made of existing hydrodynamic and hydrological models without calibrating them to local data. Results will be validated against local risk calculations in three use cases. Even if the aim is to be as independent as possible from local data, such data is available will be used throughout the modeling chain for calibration, validation purposes as well as integrated when possible by means of data assimilation techniques.
List of Tasks
T5.2 – Coastal storm surge risk [Months: 2-11]
T5.3 – Tsunami risk [Months: 2-11]
T5.4 – Evaluation and fine-tuning [Months: 11-26]
List of deliverables
Deliverable Number |
Deliverable Title | Lead beneficiary | Nature | Dissemination level (*) |
Delivery date |
D5.1 | System design document | STICHTING DELTARES DLT | Report | PP | 3 |
D5.2 | Prototype toolboxes for riverine, storm surge and tsunami flood risk for the case studies |
STICHTING DELTARES DLT | Prototype | PP | 10 |
D5.3 | Report based on results obtained in the case studies (Flood Tools) | STICHTING DELTARES DLT | Report | PU | 26 |
PP -> Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
PU -> Public
Related files
D5.3 Flood models and results 
WP: WP5 - Task: T5.4 - Deliverable: D5.3 - Status: Complete - Commission: n.a. - by deltares

WP: WP5 - Task: T5.4 - Deliverable: D5.3 - Status: Complete - Commission: n.a. - by deltares