Project Description
Work Package 3
Word package number | WP3 |
Type of activity | Research and technological development including scientific coordination |
Wordk Package title | DTM Identification and Adaptation |
Start month | 1 |
End month | 21 |
- Review of user requirements of terrain description (WP2 and internal sources)
- Analysis of relevant digital elevation models available at a global scale
- Describe requested improvements and specific developments
- Prototype development and demonstration of post processing capabilities
The objective of this Work Package is to provide recommendations for digital elevation information suitable for a uniform worldwide natural risk assessment. The recommendations will jointly be proven on five representative case studies within the frame of this project.
List of Tasks
T3.2 – Data collection and compilation [Months: 2-7]
T3.3 – Definition of DEM post processing levels and prototyping [Months: 7-12]
T3.4 – Evaluation and fine-tuning [Months: 13-21]
List of deliverables
Deliverable Number |
Deliverable Title | Lead beneficiary | Nature | Dissemination level (*) |
Delivery date |
D3.1 | End User requirements for digital elevation models | DEU. ZENTRUM FUER LUFT – UND RAUMFAHRT EV | Report | PP | 3 |
D3.2 | Provision of TanDEM-X DEM for test areas | DEU. ZENTRUM FUER LUFT – UND RAUMFAHRT EV | Other | PP | 3 |
D3.3 | Provision of prototype edited DEMs | DEU. ZENTRUM FUER LUFT – UND RAUMFAHRT EV | Other | PP | 10 |
D3.4 | Report about DEM editing approach | DEU. ZENTRUM FUER LUFT – UND RAUMFAHRT EV | Report | PP | 17 |
D3.5 | Provision of TanDEM-X DEM to RASOR interface description | DEU. ZENTRUM FUER LUFT – UND RAUMFAHRT EV | Other | PP | 17 |
D3.6 | Final report about user evaluation | DEU. ZENTRUM FUER LUFT – UND RAUMFAHRT EV | Report | PP | 21 |
(*) PP -> Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)